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- 6 sprigs of mint - 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar - 2 1/2 ounces of bourbon whiskey - 2 teaspoons of water
Place half the mint, powdered sugar, and water in a tall glass. Fill the glass with crushed or shaved ice and add the whiskey. Stir gently until the glass becomes frosted. Garnish with citrus fruit slices or cherries, along with a few sprigs of mint.
Fresh Fruit with Mint
- Assorted fresh fruit of choice - 4-5 mint leaves
Chop and mix the fruit in a bowl. Snip fresh mint leaves into the mixture, then cover and chill for at least an hour for the flavors to mix. Serve in glass dessert dishes with whipped cream, if desired. Makes a light, refreshing dessert.
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