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If that's not enough, internally the list is even longer for this amazing "weed." Drunk as a tea made from the leaves, Plantain is effective as a general detoxifier in the body, and works remarkably well as a remedy for colds, flu, asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, fevers, hypertension, rheumatism, bladder problems, gastritis, ulcers, irritable bowel, cystitis, sinusitis, coughs, kidney stones, intestinal complaints, goiter, PMS, regulating menstrual flow, hoarseness, congestion, hay fever, diarrhea, and as a blood sugar stabilizer in diabetics. The seeds can be dried and infused in water for a soothing eye lotion, as a laxative, and for intestinal worms in children. There is also some indication that taken internally, Plantain can help with smoking cessation by detoxifying the body and thereby reducing cravings. Though I don't usually recommend pointing out herbs to children for fear that they will start sampling plants inappropriately, this is one that they should know of and that will provide instant relief from stinging insects and minor wounds and irritations that they routinely encounter in the yard. There are no side-effects whatsoever for most of us, but in certain sensitive individuals, minor dermatitis may result from external use.
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