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Wait to plant peppers outdoors until the nighttime temperatures are above 50 degrees. Seed can be started indoors about six weeks prior to the last frost date, or seedlings can be bought locally. Provide a sunny spot and well amended soil for good drainage and even moisture. Use lots of mulch to keep the weeds down and the moisture in. Take care not to plant peppers where tomatoes or eggplant grew in the previous year to prevent disease. Do not provide too much fertilizer with nitrogen, or the plants will produce leaves, but no fruits. Many of the pepper varieties make excellent container plants. To harvest peppers, wait until they have reached their full color for the best taste. If you plan to dry the peppers, pull the whole plant and hang upside down in a dry, hot location. Peppers are packed with vitamin C and are a good choice for the healthful vegetable garden. Medicinal Properties: For information on the medicinal benefits of Peppers, please see Cayenne in the Herbs section.
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