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Now, on this particular herb, we are going to have to pick through the list one by one. The object here is to give practical tips on how to use these herbs to reach the desired goal. I found several sources saying that Chicory opens locks - but not one that said exactly how this is supposed to work. Is there a ritual? Or is that just a figurative thing like removal of obstacles in the life? E-mail me if you have any more information on this, and I will credit you on this page. Several sources relate that carried on the person in whatever fashion, Chicory is supposed to remove obstacles in your life and make you invisible (I'm guessing this one is figurative too). Rubbing the Oil or juice of Chicory on the body is said to enable you to obtain favors from great people. The last three - frigidity, curse removal, and strength are probably evoked by either ingesting the herb in a Tea, or by use of a ritual. Again, I can find no reliable literature on these and would appreciate any input.
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