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Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow I may have to eat them |
Additional Tarragon Information
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has an Anise-like flavor
that is suited to vinegars and fish, but it also has many other uses in
the kitchen. It has limited medicinal uses, but does have the peculiar property
of causing slight numbness of the mouth when the leaves are chewed.
It is an aromatic
that is native to Siberia and the Caspian sea area. It enhances the
flavors of many foods, but can become overpowering if excessively used.
It enhances fish, pork, beef, poultry, game, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots,
and most mainstream vegetables. It also goes well with lemons and
oranges. It can be used in cream sauces, herbed butters and vinegars,
soups, sour creams, and yogurt. Tarragon makes a good companion plant for other herbs and vegetables. Please see Companion Planting for more information.
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