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With all the controversy surrounding Cannabis and its legality - at least for medicinal purposes - the one striking fact seems to be that though there are social issues involved, there is no real evidence that it causes any serious physical harm. No documented cases of death have been recorded for people using this herb either medicinally or recreationally, and no cases of permanent psychosis or dementia have been documented or proven. Unfortunately, few studies about the true medicinal properties have been done, and much of the evidence for therapeutic benefits in modern times stem from anecdotal reports given to physicians by their patients. Indeed, one report states that up to 44 percent of doctors privately recommend Cannabis use in seriously ill patients with specified illnesses - because they feel it is the best medicine. Cannabis is not a cure for any known illness, and its use in medicine is confined mostly to the treatment of symptoms. Claims that seem to be substantiated if only by the sheer number of claimants include relief from the debilitating symptoms of AIDS, reducing pressure in the eye in glaucoma, treatment of pain and nausea for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, pain and tremor in cases of multiple sclerosis, and controlling seizures in epilepsy cases. Other lesser known symptom relief includes menstrual cramps, arthritis, migraine headaches, alcohol addiction, chronic pain, mood disorders, and depression. Most patients who use marijuana medicinally smoke it, likely because that is the easiest and quickest way to get relief. But the leaves and seeds are edible and can be used to make capsules, teas, essential oils, and yes - brownies - just like any other herb listed on these pages. For those who are facing a drug test, please see Goldenseal and Drug Testing for information related to that. This page is designed as an informative vehicle primarily geared to illustrate the medicinal uses of Cannabis, though we are aware of the widespread recreational uses. We do not offer opinions on the legal issues, nor do we condone the use of illicit substances.
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