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Chrysanthemums can be classified according to the shape and arrangement of their blooms, which are listed below: Anemones have single, daisy-like flowers with deep colors. Cushion Types are low, bushy plants that form nicely rounded, attractive mounds. Decoratives are the larger plants of the species, and usually have double or semi-double flowers on shrub-like plants. Pompons are smaller varieties that have ball-shaped flower forms. Singles or Daisies are, as the names suggest, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers. Chrysanthemums make excellent cut flowers for arrangements, and should be treated the same as any other cut flower, as far as changing the water regularly and snipping off a bit of stem with every water change. Adding an aspirin to the water will help prolong flower life. Chrysanthemum flowers are edible, but some can be rather strong and bitter tasting. The petals can be chopped and used sparingly in salads, and the whole flowers make a lovely garnish for other foods. Always remove the petals from the flower base before using, as the flower base is very bitter and tastes awful!
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