Gardens Ablaze |
(Bush Daisy)
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Whether planting rooted cuttings or store bought plants, dig a nice hole and throw a little compost in, then set the plant in with the soil line the same as it was in the original pot. Use some mulch to keep evenly moist, and water well for several weeks until the plant becomes established, and then let it go! Euryops looks good in groups of 3 and is a great filler for big cottage gardens, English gardens, or perennial gardens. There's virtually no garden scenario I can think of that couldn't use a shot of bright yellow all season long. Euryops is a nice, carefree container plant too, so don't forget to set a pot or two on the deck or patio, and the bright yellow flowers on wiry stems make nice reasonably long-lasting cut flowers. Maintenance is fairly easy - just cut off spent flowers now and again as you pass by to keep the plant healthy and productive. Pests problems with Euryops are pretty much non-existent. The only real problem you might encounter is rot if you don't take care to plant in well-drained soil. Euryops will not tolerate soggy feet so prepare your soil well. Suggestions for uses of Euryops include habitat type situations to attract pollinators, in gardens that need deer-proof flowering plants, as low borders, in sea coast areas (they are tolerant of salt air), or as container plants. This one is a winner, folks, and if you haven't tried it, seek a Euryops plant or two out next spring!
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Gardens Ablaze |